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Breakfast and After School Clubs


Breakfast Club is open every school day in term time 7:30am -  8.30am. Children are supervised in their classrooms after 8:30am.

We provide a healthy breakfast to start your child's day and offer a safe, caring and relaxing play environment. A typical breakfast consists of: Cereal/ Toast / Fruit Juice / Milk. After breakfast your child can choose an activity including outdoor play, weather permitting.



7.30-8.30am £5.50

8.00-8.30am £2.50


After School Club is open every school day in term time 3:30 - 5.30pm and is held in our Pre-school buidling. It is run by school staff and offers a range of quiet, calm activities as well as more physically challenging activities - something for everyone!
Our After School Club offers a wide choice of activities across the week which run from 3:30 - 4:30pm. These must be booked in advance and may be restricted by age. Registration  and booking forms are available from the school office or via the link below. Booking forms are also circulated half termly in children's book bags.

Light refreshments will be offered after 4:30pm.  A typical example: pancakes, muffins, tea cakes or similar and drinks.

AFTER SCHOOL CLUB mobile number—07517 968011. Please call the After School Club mobile after 3.30pm, NOT the school office as we cannot guarantee your message will be received in time.


In the interest of safeguarding and children's welfare, we ask for the prompt collection of children.

Parents/Carers who collect after their booked time will be charged £5.50 for each hour or part thereof. 

Children collected after the closing time will be charged an extra £10.00.


If you would like your child to attend either Breakfast or After School Club, please call at the office for a booking/registration form or click on the link below.

Please note we require 48 hours notice for any bookings, cancellations or amendments and charges will still apply.
