The pre-assessment pathway documents for Autism and ADHD can be found on the link to this webpage.
These documents have been developed in collaboration with education, health and care colleagues as well as parent carers, children and young people. They have been developed to support education settings, practitioners, and parent carers so that everyone better understands the pre-assessment pathway.
If evidence is gathered that indicates a child or young person may have either Autism and/or ADHD a ‘Next Steps – Autism and ADHD Pathway’ form should be completed to request an assessment for Autism and/or ADHD.
We know that both families and professionals often have questions about referrals. In response to this we have set up a Children and Young People’s Neurodevelopmental Partnership Advice Line.
This line is open to parent, carers, young people or practitioners from health, education or social care.
Phone the Advice Line on 0303 033 3002 – open 9am to 12pm every Wednesday and Thursday morning.
Some of the things you can chat with the team about:
The advice line will not be able to answer questions about children who have already been seen by CYPNP. These questions need to be directed to the clinicians involved with the young person.